Interested in Improvements? Here are some ideas that were brought to the table and need a champion to move them forward! Email Kelly Bemus if you might be interested and seeking more details.
- Outdoor Classroom
- The picnic table area behind/between the two buildings is in need of some TLC
- Many thanks to our PTO for purchasing new tables and shade umbrellas! They beautify the space and make it usable for classes to work out in the natural world
- An area of improvement is the ground. The rocks are problematic, and the weed prevention has failed.
- When we moved into this facility, the department of transportation installed School Zone signs with hours
- There is a need for a flashing yellow light at the Prestley Mill entrance and possibly also the Timber Ridge entrance
- Currently there is a double yellow line at the Prestley Mill entrance/exit from the parking lot
- It would benefit traffic flow to have a right turn only lane at the exit
- As this area lies in the city's/county's easement, we would need approval for the change, in addition to construction that adjusts for the added width
- Adjacent to Building 2, there is an area covered in drainage pebbles that are not easily contained and get kicked around everywhere
- Nearby, there is a section of engraved bricks
- We would like to host another fundraiser in selling orders for engraved bricks, that would be installed in the area where the pebbles currently are (which gives us an excuse to remove the pebbles!)
Morning Drop-Off Procedures - Please note the times in the graphics below
- NO cell phone use
- Do not cut through the parking lots; follow the travel paths
- Have your child ready to exit the car (backpack, goodbyes, etc.)
- Pull forward until all cars stop in the queue line
- We will use a “platoon” style release for the cars exiting the car pool line: After all students have exited the cars in the drop off zone, then the group will be released to move forward.
- Watch out for pedestrians!
- Exit on Timber Ridge Road only